Resveratrol Herpes Treatment – Grapefruit Seed Extract Studies

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Resveratrol has been linked to good health benefits by numerous studies. Found in grapes and cocoa, resveratrol may also help with herpes outbreaks. It’s been shown to inhibit the virus from replicating, and to prevent lesions in mice studies. For this reason, the resveratrol herpes remedy and grapefruit seed extract remedy are both hot topics.

Topical Resveratrol Study

A 2005 study was done on mice infected with HSV-1 and HSV-2. Researchers made a resveratrol cream formula and applied it topically to the mice’s genitals. The formula was found to reduce virus replication and to reduce sores from appearing. Notes:

  • A 12% formula did not have these results — the 19% formula was more effective.
  • The treatment worked better depending on how soon it was applied after infection.

Stops HSV Replication

Other studies from 1999 and 2006 showed that Resveratrol inhibited HSV.

It seems to stop replication of the virus, and did so best at early stages of infection.

Resveratrol affected HSV-1, HSV-2, and even strains of HSV-1 that were resistant to the herpes medication acyclovir.

Resveratrol Herpes Remedy for Outbreaks

Speak to your physician before trying any course of treatment or altering an existent one.

Supplements: Supplements are easy to find. Resveratrol supplements are already popular for their touted cardiovascular benefits. Resveratrol herpes treatment usually involves taking a resveratrol supplement or its relative, grapefruit seed extract.

Resveratrol dosage: Usually up to around 200 mg a day, at a smaller dose of 100mg twice a day.

Topical method: Topical applications are available in the form of grapefruit seed extract. It is used by mixing one part of the extract with nine parts water and then dabbing this mixture onto the affected area with a cotton swab.

Warnings: A page on Oregan State’s website says pregnant women and women with a history of estrogenic cancers like breast cancer should avoid resveratrol supplements.

Does it Work?

Like those of most natural remedies, studies about resveratrol are limited in their scope. While generally safe, it’s good to talk to your doctor first. Everyone is different and different things work for different people. Resveratrol is a popular herpes remedy but not a cure. A trusted physician can help you decide what’s right for you.

Want to know about the studies behind herpes remedies? Read our articles:

Check out our other articles about natural herpes remedies and home treatments around the site!

