Olive Leaf Extract for Herpes

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Treating herpes can be challenging but luckily, there are some natural treatments that can make living with herpes a lot easier. One popular remedy is olive leaf extract for herpes outbreaks. It’s fairly easy to find and use. People use it for herpes zoster (shingles), oral and genital herpes outbreaks.

What is Olive Leaf Extract?

It’s well-known that olive oil has health benefits. The major reason for that is its oleuropein content. Oleuropein, the polyphenol known for improving blood pressure and cholesterol, is also responsible for the benefits of olive leaf extract.

Olive leaf and its extract has been used in Mediterranean folk medicine for centuries to treat many diseases in the past. Today, studies have shown consistent results for some of those healthy uses.

Olive Leaf Benefits:

  • Lowering blood pressure in people with hypertension
  • Reduced oxidation of LDL cholesterol and some reduction of overall cholesterol
  • Improved antioxidant activity (1)
  • It’s also been studied for antifungal effects on candida (2)
  • It was shown to kill bacteria including e. coli in a 2003 study (3)
  • Its use reversed some changes from HIV-1, according to a study from The New York University School of Medicine. (4)
  • It has the ability to kill and inhibit the multiplication of viruses in the body, a benefit that has been tested in labs and in people.

It’s clear why it’s popular in the alternative and natural health communities with these kinds of antibacterial, antiseptic, anti-aging, anti-fungal, and anti-viral properties.

Olive Leaf Extract for Herpes

Olive leaf extract’s elenolic acid has the ability to inhibit viruses.

In the case of herpes (all types), taking olive leaf extract tablets may relieve outbreak sores, increase healing time, and restore energy levels that may have been depleted by the virus’ active phase.

One private study showed that olive leaf extract tablets treated an outbreak more effectively than prescription acyclovir.

How to Use Olive Leaf Extract

Please consult your doctor before trying any new treatment.

The proper olive leaf extract dosage is usually 500mg tablets. That’s one tablet every six hours, up to four per day. They can be taken between meals for better absorption, although some sources say to take them with a meal. Don’t exceed four tablets per day, although for a particularly bad breakout some people double the dosage.

After a brief period of this treatment people report a reduction of the related sores. At times, this treatment can cause a small amount of discomfort related to “die-off” symptoms from bacteria being detoxed from the body.

Once it’s working, the dosage can be lowered until stopping to see if it works. It can also be regularly used with a moderate dosage.

Testing treatments, and have more questions? One option is to visit a holistic medical expert like a naturopath who knows about olive leaf extract, or consult a physician that understands the advantages of using herbal remedies. These medical professionals should be able to identify why remedies you use are or aren’t working for you.


Herpes can be uncomfortable if you have recurring outbreaks. Fortunately, alternative treatments such as olive leaf extract for herpes can offer relief, minimizing outbreaks and shorten the length of time they typically last. Be sure to check out our ultimate lists of remedies: Topical Remedies for Herpes and List of Oral Supplements.